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New humanitarian mechanism for rebel groups succefully tested in the Philippines: international mission meets with MILF leaders in Mindanao and Manila

New humanitarian mechanism for rebel groups successfully tested in the Philippines: International mission meets with Moro Islamic Liberation Front leaders in Mindanao and Manila Geneva Call, a new international humanitarian organization working to secure respect for humanitarian norms by armed groups world-wide, has just released the 27-page report of a six-member mission which visited and […]

The Sudan people’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) commits itself to renunce to the use of anti-personnel mines

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) Commits Itself  to the Renunciation of the Use of Anti-personnel Mines 4 October 2001 The SPLM/A has today in Geneva, Switzerland, signed the “Deed of Commitment under Geneva Call for Adherence to a Total Ban on Anti-Personnel Mines and for Cooperation in Mine Action”. The signing was carried out on […]

Nouveau succès de l’Appel de Genève devant le Parlement Européen

Nouveau succès de l’Appel de Genève devant le Parlement Européen Genève – 8 Mars 2001 L’Appel de Genève, ONG internationale basée à Genève et qui s’est spécialisée dans les négociations avec les acteurs non étatiques (groupes armés) sur la question des mines anti-personnel, vient d’enregistrer son second succès devant le Parlement Européen. Rappelons qu’en septembre […]

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