Their Words
Welcome to Their Words: the Directory of Armed Groups and de facto Authorities’ Humanitarian Commitments. This resource is a unique collection of humanitarian commitments made by armed groups and de facto authorities (AGDAs). These commitments have been made in different forms: unilateral declarations or statements, internal rules and regulations, and agreements with governments, inter-governmental and humanitarian organizations. It aims at making available a ‘baseline’ of AGDA’s policies and views on issues related to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Human Rights Law (IHRL).
Geneva Call has compiled this resource over many years of AGDA engagement and research, and would also like to thank those individuals and organizations that have provided additional material. The number of documents included here will steadily increase over time.
English is the reference language used throughout the database. The documents themselves are available in the original language, and in English, with the exception of those which were originally in Spanish or French, which have not been translated.