He danced in the ruins of Palmyra; now he will dance in Geneva at a special event in support of Geneva Call
25 June 2017
Ahmad Joudeh is from Syria and became famous via the TV documentary, Dance or Die, in which he danced amid Palmyra’s ruins in Syria. He now lives in the Netherlands and is a member of the Dutch National Ballet.
On 5 October, Ahmad will perform in ZUP—a show organized by the Compagnie Urbaine at the Plainpalais skate park in Geneva—as part of Geneva Call’s special event for the victims of war. ZUP is a show mixing urban dance and sports, electronic music, video mapping and acrobatics.
The scenery, videos and choreography will be specially adapted for Ahmad and will make this evening unique.
ZUP – Special evening in support of Geneva Call
With the participation of Ahmad Joudeh
5 October 2017 – 8:30 pm
Plainpalais skate park, Geneva

ZUP’s visionary demonstration of urban culture will take place over 3 weeks in the Plainpalais skate park, featuring a mix of urban dance and sports, electronic music, video mapping and acrobatics. Forty Swiss and international artists will push back the boundaries of urban culture in this exceptional setting, striving to turn street life into a work of art that stimulates the imagination. The show on 5 October will be dedicated to victims of war, in partnership with Geneva Call. More information is available on: http://www.lacompagnieurbaine.com/.