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Yemen: In a promising step toward increasing respect for international humanitarian norms, Geneva Call brings together key armed groups for the first time

In an effort to bring fighting parties to respect and promote International Humanitarian Law (IHL) norms and principles, Geneva Call organised a one-day training workshop on IHL for military leaders and representatives from the Southern Transitional Council (STC), the Ministry of Interior and the Security Belt Forces in Aden on 20th October 2019. The training was also attended by the Center for Civilians in Conflict’s (CIVIC) office in Yemen.

Geneva Call’s Head of Near and Middle East Region, Amal Van Leeuwen- Hamidallah, stressed the importance that all “fighters must respect international humanitarian law and ensure that children, women and civilians are not harmed”. Throughout the sessions, Geneva Call raised the issue of humanitarian access to Yemen and the difficulties faced by humanitarian organisations and aid workers to enter the country to provide assistance and respond to the needs of civilians affected by the conflict.

The training focused mainly on the 15 key rules of IHL and was organized in partnership with the Yemen Center for Human Rights Studies (YCHRS), in the context of a partnership programme aiming to raise awareness and to ensure that armed groups in Yemen better understand and respect IHL principles.


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