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Seven leaders of a Syrian Kurdish political movement discuss humanitarian norms in Geneva

From July 9 to 10, Geneva Call organized a workshop with high-level representatives of the Kurdish National Council in Syria (KNC) – an opposition political movement in the Kurdish area of Syria – to discuss key concepts and rules of International Humanitarian Law. Seven of the 12 Syrian Kurdish political parties that comprise the KNC were represented at this meeting.

During the workshop, Geneva Call and the KNC debated the main challenges that the Kurdish parts of Syria face: notably, access to medical equipment and medication in the Kurdish region, the principles of humanitarian aid and the provision of health care in the areas under the control of armed non-State actors.

 After rich and interactive discussions, Geneva Call and the KNC agreed on organizing a training session on humanitarian norms for KNC members and the affiliated armed forces called « Peshmergas of Rojava ».


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