Measuring the impact of COVID-19 prevention campaigns with interactive quizzes
29 juillet 2020
While preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is at the forefront of most contemporary agendas, evaluating the level of understanding of prevention campaigns remains a challenge, especially where target audiences are constituted by millions of people. How can the impact of these campaigns and the resulting increased knowledge be assessed, particularly in remote and conflict-affected areas?
Geneva Call is launching a series of quizzes in local languages to help measure the impact of its most recent campaigns on the protection of health care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Myanmar, the Philippines and Afghanistan (you can test your own knowledge here (health care) and here (International Humanitarian Law)).
“It is important to reach people, particularly women and youth, living in active conflict zones or outside areas controlled by State,” affirms Marie Lequin, Head of Eurasia region at Geneva Call,“because they are particularly vulnerable, but we have to ensure that our messages are well understood and address specific needs”.
The quizzes, interactive and dynamic to encourage greater participation,will be shared on social media to the people reached by three campaigns on the protection of health care and COVID-19, and a thorough analysis of the responses will help understand how the communities have apprehended the different messages and assimilated them. This, in turn, will be useful to reshape future global campaigns to the needs of the people and ultimately prevent International Humanitarian Law violations and encourage all parties to conflicts to engage in crisis response.