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International Humanitarian Law must be respected by all warring parties involved in the Fallujah armed operations

Geneva Call is deeply concerned about violations of international humanitarian law reported by media and international organizations during the ongoing military operations led by the Iraqi Army and supported by the People Mobilization Forces (PMF) against the Islamic State group in Fallujah.

Geneva Call calls on all parties to ensure respect of fundamental humanitarian norms, and more particularly, to respect the rights of civilian populations fleeing the city. It is imperative that the Iraqi government and the PMF investigate the reported violations and take all measures to prevent such violations in the coming military operations, particularly in Mosul.

Geneva Call is currently in dialogue with some of the main armed actors in Iraq on the respect of humanitarian norms and the protection of civilians. It has notably started a round of meetings with commanders of the Peshmerga forces and is having regular meetings and training with military leaders of the PMF.


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